
16. 6. 2020    
20:00 - 21:00


Obecní dům
nám. Republiky 5
Praha 1
Česká republika

Bohemian Symphony Orchestra Prague

Masters of Classics chamber cast

 Based on the introduction of restrictions and a state of emergency by the Government of the Czech Republic, the Masters of Classics concert with the original date of 16.06.2020 will be presented on the new date of 11.08.2020 in the Smetana Hall of the Municipal House in Prague at 20:00. Tickets purchased by you are fully valid for this date.

More info:



The Municipal House – Smetana Hall
nám. Republiky 5, Praha 1

Ticket prices:

Kategorie VIP: 1.500,-Kč
Kategorie A: 1.300,-Kč
Kategorie B: 1.100,-Kč
Kategorie C: 900,-Kč
Kategorie D: 700,-Kč

Duration: cca 65min.

Ticket Office:

Orders via email:  tickets@bohemianmusicagency.eu or Phone. 00420 774 141 621